Can I Sue my Landlord for an Injury in Arizona?

Can I Sue my Landlord for an Injury in Arizona?

Generally, landlords in Arizona care about their tenants, and will, therefore, treat them with integrity and respect, primarily through providing them with a safe, comfortable living space. Unfortunately, certain landlords simply do not feel the need to sufficiently care for their tenants. When this happens, tenants are oftentimes harmed as a result. If you are someone who has been injured in an apartment accident, please read on and reach out to our experienced Arizona personal injury attorneys today. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What can cause an apartment accident?

Apartment accidents, unfortunately, are not uncommon in the state of Arizona. Some of the most frequent causes of apartment accidents include defective smoke or carbon monoxide alarms, weather-related hazards left unattended, insufficiently-lit parking lots and walkways, harmful chemicals or molds present, and more.

How do I take legal action against a landlord?

To sue a landlord for an injury, you will have to prove that you were injured as a direct result of his or her negligence. Unfortunately, landlords and their attorneys will do anything in their power to deny you the compensation you deserve, so you must hire an attorney who is ready to fight on your side. To prove your personal injury claim, our firm will work to recover surveillance footage of the accident, pictures of the safety hazard that caused the accident, police reports, medical documents, and more.

Once you file your claim, it is generally best to avoid posting on social media, if at all possible. Oftentimes, insurance companies will watch everything you post on social media to see if you post anything that disproves or contradicts your claim. If you do, they will most likely use it against you.

How long will I have to file a lawsuit against a landlord?

In Arizona, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is generally two years. Simply put, this means that you are granted two years from the date of your accident to take legal action against another party. If you wait any longer than two years, you will most likely be barred from suing. Do not let this happen. The sooner you speak with our firm about your case, the better. We are ready to fight, tooth-and-nail, for the compensation you deserve.

Contact our experienced Arizona firm

The legal team at Weintraub & Weintraub has years of experience representing clients who have been injured in accidents due to the negligence of others as well as those who are facing charges of driving under the influence. Those injured due to another party’s negligence should never have to suffer alone. If you need strong legal representation, please do not hesitate to contact our firm today.

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